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Planning Board Minutes 08/01/06
Minutes of Meeting— August 1, 2006

The Hudson Planning Board met at the Town Hall, 78 Main Street, Hudson, Massachusetts.  
At 7:00 p.m., Chairman Robert D’Amelio called the meeting to order.
Present:        Sante Parente, Tom Collins, Robert D’Amelio, and Town Planner, Jennifer Burke.

Main Street - Decision
Present: Chris Yates, Atty. at Law

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Tom Collins, made a motion to approve site plan entitled “Site Plan Assessors Map 34 Parcel 22 Main Street Hudson, MA”, owned by Kane Industrial Trust, drawn by Foresite Engineering of Stow, MA, dated June 1, 2006 last revised July 10, 2006 with the following conditions:

A list of 24-hour emergency contact information must be provided to the Town Planner and the DPW prior to any work being done on site.

Hours of construction will be Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  No work or operation of machinery may happen before 7:00 a.m., in accordance with the town’s noise by-law or after 5:00 p.m.  Per the Massachusetts General Laws, work on Sundays and holidays need to be permitted on a case by case basis by the Chief of Police.

Prior to the commencement of authorized site activity, the Planning Board Office shall be given 48 hours written notice.  If the activity at the Project Site ceases for longer than 30 days, 48 hour written notice shall be given to the Planning Board Office prior to restarting work.

A copy of the conditions and all final approved Plans shall be kept at the Project Site.

Members or agents of the Planning Board shall have the right to enter the Project Site and to gather all information, measurements, photographs or other materials needed to ensure compliance with this approval.  Members or agents of the Planning Board entering onto the Project Site for these purposes shall comply with all safety rules, Regulations and directives of the Applicant and the Applicant’s contractors.

The Planning Board’s erosion control plan as attached shall be adhered to and govern.  All erosion control shall be in place and approved by the Town Planner before construction begins.  Weekly erosion control reports shall be submitted to the DPW and the Planning Department no later than noontime on Fridays.

A final occupancy permit shall not be issued until an as-built plan indicating lot grading and drainage system BMP’s has been confirmed to be consistent with the approved plans to the Town Planner’s reasonable satisfaction.

And authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

66 Cox Street - Decision

Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Tom Collins, made a motion to approve site plan entitled “Site Plan 66 Cox Street Hudson, MA”, owned by Roger and Dolores Paquette, drawn by Consolidated Design Group, Inc. of Hudson, MA, dated February 17, 2006 last revised April 28, 2006 with the following conditions:  

A list of 24-hour emergency contact information must be provided to the Town Planner and the DPW prior to any work being done on site.

Hours of construction will be Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  No work or operation of machinery may happen before 7:00 a.m., in accordance with the town’s noise by-law or after 5:00 p.m.  Per the Massachusetts General Laws, work on Sundays and holidays need to be permitted on a case by case basis by the Chief of Police.

Prior to the commencement of authorized site activity, the Planning Board Office shall be given 48 hours written notice.  If the activity at the Project Site ceases for longer than 30 days, 48 hour written notice shall be given to the Planning Board Office prior to restarting work.

A copy of the conditions and all final approved Plans shall be kept at the Project Site.

Members or agents of the Planning Board shall have the right to enter the Project Site and to gather all information, measurements, photographs or other materials needed to ensure compliance with this approval.  Members or agents of the Planning Board entering onto the Project Site for these purposes shall comply with all safety rules, Regulations and directives of the Applicant and the Applicant’s contractors.

The Planning Board’s erosion control plan as attached shall be adhered to and govern.  All erosion control shall be in place and approved by the Town Planner before construction begins.  Weekly erosion control reports shall be submitted to the DPW and the Planning Department no later than noontime on Fridays.

A final occupancy permit shall not be issued until an as-built plan indicating lot grading and drainage system BMP’s has been confirmed to be consistent with the approved plans to the Town Planner’s reasonable satisfaction.

And Authorize the Agent to sign.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Bailey Park Woods - Decision
Present: Tom DiPersio, Thomas Land Surveyors

Tom Collins, seconded by Sante Parente, made a motion to approve the definitive subdivision plan entitled “Bailey Park Woods Hudson MA” owned by Dana Stenquist as drawn by Thomas Land Surveyors and Engineering Consultants, Inc. of Hudson, MA dated October 18, 2005 last revised July 31, 2006 with the following conditions:

A pre-construction conference will be held between the developer, the Town Planner, the DPW and other interested parties. If construction begins without this conference construction will cease immediately until the conference is held and the appropriate people are in attendance.

A copy of the SWPPP must be provided to the Town Planner and the DPW at the pre-construction conference.

A list of 24-hour emergency contact information must be provided to the Town Planner and the DPW at the pre-construction conference.

Hours of operation will be Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  No work or operation of machinery may happen before 7:00 a.m., in accordance with the town’s noise by-law or after 5:00 p.m.  Per the Massachusetts General Laws, work on Sundays and holidays need to be permitted on a case by case basis by the Chief of Police.

Prior to the commencement of authorized site activity, the Planning Board Office shall be given 48 hours written notice.  If the activity at the Project Site ceases for longer than 30 days, 48 hour written notice shall be given to the Planning Board Office prior to restarting work.

A copy of this Decision and all final approved Plans shall be kept at the Project Site.

Members or agents of the Planning Board shall have the right to enter the Project Site and to gather all information, measurements, photographs or other materials needed to ensure compliance with this approval.  Members or agents of the Planning Board entering onto the Project Site for these purposes shall comply with all safety rules, Regulations and directives of the Applicant and the Applicant’s contractors.

The Planning Board’s erosion control plan as attached shall be adhered to and govern.  All erosion control shall be in place and approved by the Town Planner before construction begins.  Weekly erosion control reports shall be submitted to the DPW and the Planning Department no later than noontime on Fridays.

If, during construction, a discrepancy is found between the approved plans and the existing regulations, the DPW and the Town Planner will be notified immediately. The DPW will make the final decision on how to proceed or if they are unable to make any decision the matter will be referred back to the Planning Board for review.

Inspections shall be in accordance with the Town of Hudson Rules and Regulations, which allows the Planning Board to use a full time inspector to be paid by the developer.  At this time, the DPW will handle the inspections on their own schedule.  The Board reserves the right to require full time inspections if in the opinion of the Board they become necessary.

Once the first house is occupied, the roadway will be swept every Friday afternoon until the road is accepted by town meeting, unless waived in writing by the DPW with a copy to the Planning Board.

The subdivision will be completed within two years of approval.  Prior to expiration, a developer may ask for a one-year extension of time to complete the subdivision.  If the Board determines that a one-year extension is warranted, it will also review the bond amount and adjust for inflation. Extension requests after expiration will not be looked upon favorably.  If no extension is granted and the two years expires, then the subdivision will be in default and the approval will be withdrawn.

No building permits will be issued until a lot grading plan prepared by a qualified Professional Engineer familiar with the original subdivision design and showing that the lot is graded in accordance with the approved subdivision plan is reviewed and approved by the DPW and the Town Planner and no occupancy permits will be given until an as built plan of said lot grading and drainage system BMP’s has been accepted and approved by the Town Planner.

The municipal fire alarm system will be extended into the subdivision per the Fire Departments specifications.

No occupancy permit will be given until there is a hydrant flow minimum of 750 GPM with flow documentation from each hydrant forwarded to the Hudson Fire Department and the DPW.  Dwellings closer than 40 feet apart must have a minimum water flow of 1000 GPM.

The steamer cap on each hydrant will be color coded to indicate the expected fire flow per NFPA standards.

There will be an approved deep snow marker at each hydrant.

Prior to the issuance of the final occupancy permit, parcel “A” as shown on the approved subdivision plans will be conveyed to the Town of Hudson for wellhead protection/well expansion.

And with the following Waivers:

1.    Environmental Impact Statement
                No EIS is required.

2.   4.1.5      Dead-end Streets
                The cul-de-sac pavement radius will be 50 feet.

3.   5.2.2      Pavement Width
                                        Pavement width of the subdivision road will be 24 feet.

4.   5.6                Curbs, Berms and Guard Rails
                                No granite curbing will be installed along the cul-de-sac

5.   5.4.2      Sidewalks
                                No sidewalks will be constructed

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Highland Commons – Site Plan Review Modification

Tom Collins recused himself.

With only two voting members present, the Board failed to obtain a quorum.  The hearing will be rescheduled for August 15, 2006 at 7:00 pm.

Planner’s Report

Lauren Heights

The developer has requested a bond reduction.  The Board is in receipt of a memo from DPW reducing the bond to $244,993.50.  Town Planner, Jennifer Burke reviewed some recent issues at Lauren Heights with the Board.  An abutter who resides at 9 Hickory Lane called regarding erosion that occurred after a recent rainstorm. Upon inspection it was determined that the are of the site where the retaining wall is being constructed is bare and open and that is where the erosion came from. The contractor was told to clean up the site and put up hay bales for erosion control.  He completed that the next day.  More recently another home 3 houses from 9 Hickory Lane called with complaints of flooding in the backyard.  After another visit to the site Ms. Burke asked Mr. O’Malley to construct a 3-foot earthen berm in that area to prevent any run off.

Ms. Burke told the Board that the contractor is asking for two occupancy permits; #2 and # 5 located at 11 and 6 Judith Road. Ms. Burke told the Board that at lot #5 the swale is not built correctly and the drainage is not connected to the manholes as required. Also neither house has septic. Ms. Burke asked the developer to fix the problems at lot 5 and told him she cannot sign off until the septic is in and functioning.

Tom Collins, seconded by Sante Parente, made a motion to reduce the bond for Lauren Heights to $244,993.50.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous


Chairman Robert D’Amelio, seconded by Tom Collins, moved to adjourn at 7:50pm.

Vote: 3-0-0, Unanimous

Cc:     Town Clerk
Department of Public Works
Jeff Wood, Building Commissioner